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Artisinal Small Batch Brewing with Amber Shehan of Pixie's Pocket


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Artisinal Small Batch Brewing with Amber Shehan of Pixie's Pocket

Please join Hills & Hamlets Bookshop as we welcome author Amber Shehan (from the popular website & blog "Pixie's Pocket") as she guides you through the steps it takes to start a small batch of mead or cider, how to know when it is ready to bottle, and the basics of the bottling process. This demonstration is great for anyone interested in learning to brew mead, from beginners to advanced. This is a ticketed event, and each participant will receive one copy of Amber's new book Artisinal Small Batch Brewing, a detailed brewing demonstration, and a tasting of the elderberry rosehip wine or maple cider recipes from the book. Tickets are available HERE

As we brew a one-gallon batch of mead and cider together, Amber will go in-depth into the main ingredients to make a simple brew. We'll also cover yeast nutrients, how to add fruit and herbs to the process, and other things that sound more complex than they are. Don't worry! It's easy. We'll have you brewing in no time!

You are invited to bring an edible flower or aromatic herb from your garden if you want to contribute to the mead or cider - not required, but it can make things fun!

Amber Shehan is the founder of and the author of Artisanal Small-Batch Brewing (June 2019). Often called "Pixie," she can be found outdoors in the garden, rose bushes, and honeysuckle vines, foraging and making friends with the bees and spiders. Amber lives in Alexander, NC with her husband and daughter, a cat, a dog, and a mess o'chickens.