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Permission to Speak: Book Signing with Samara Bay


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Permission to Speak: Book Signing with Samara Bay

Please consider joining us on Saturday October 7th to meet speech & dialect coach Samara Bay, author of the newly released book Permission to Speak: How To Change What Power Sounds Like, Starting With You. No RSVP is required, simply stop by the bookstore any time between noon and 2pm to meet Samara, chat about her work, and pick up a signed copy of her book!

NOTE: this is an informal signing/meet & greet event only. If you are interested in seeing Samara give a full talk and presentation of her work, consider coming to her talk at the Women’s Network at Serenbe event on Tuesday October 10th, from 5-7pm.

About the Author

Samara Bay is a sought-after speech coach, speaker, and thought leader whose coaching clients include political powerhouses, rising leaders in business, and Hollywood celebrities. She’s the author of the 2023 bestseller Permission to Speak: How to Change What Power Sounds Like, Starting With You and her work has been featured in The New York Times Magazine, TIME, CBS Sunday Morning, Tamron Hall, Fast Company, Glamour, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Follow her on Instagram @samarabay and join the voice justice movement.