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Hills & Hamlets Romantasy Book Club


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Hills & Hamlets Romantasy Book Club

Romance + Fantasy = Romantasy!

Please consider joining us on Wednesday, September 25th at 6:30pm for the next meeting of a new genre fiction book club at Hills & Hamlets Bookshop hosted by bookseller Sandra. The next book selection is The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst. Copies of the book are available in store during normal hours (Tuesdays through Sundays 11-5). Feel free to bring your own drinks, snacks, or refreshments.

The book is also available online through our Bookshop page at:

or as an audiobook through LibroFM at:

The Spellshop is Sarah Beth Durst's romantasy debut-a lush cottagecore tale full of stolen spellbooks, unexpected friendships, sweet jams, and even sweeter love.

Kiela has always had trouble dealing with people. Thankfully, as a librarian at the Great Library of Alyssium, she and her assistant, Caz--a magically sentient spider plant--have spent the last decade sequestered among the empire's most precious spellbooks, preserving their magic for the city's elite.
When a revolution begins and the library goes up in flames, she and Caz flee with all the spellbooks they can carry and head to a remote island Kiela never thought she'd see again: her childhood home. Taking refuge there, Kiela discovers, much to her dismay, a nosy--and very handsome--neighbor who can't take a hint and keeps showing up day after day to make sure she's fed and to help fix up her new home.
In need of income, Kiela identifies something that even the bakery in town doesn't have: jam. With the help of an old recipe book her parents left her and a bit of illegal magic, her cottage garden is soon covered in ripe berries.
But magic can do more than make life a little sweeter, so Kiela risks the consequences of using unsanctioned spells and opens the island's first-ever and much needed secret spellshop.
Like a Hallmark rom-com full of mythical creatures and fueled by cinnamon rolls and magic, The Spellshop will heal your heart and feed your soul.