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An Evening With Richard Louv, Book Launch for Our Wild Calling


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An Evening With Richard Louv, Book Launch for Our Wild Calling

  • Gainey Hall 10640 Serenbe Lane Palmetto, GA, 30268 United States (map)

Join author Richard Louv and co-hosts Laura Turner Seydel and Steve Nygren for the launch of Louv's new book Our Wild Calling.

Tickets are required. Paid tickets guarantee a seat and a copy of the book. Free tickets may be standing room only. Complimentary refreshments (beer, wine, tea, water) will be provided. Tickets are available HERE.

Over a decade ago, Richard Louv’s Last Child in the Woods identified the growing generational gap between children and the natural world. That book introduced the term “nature-deficit disorder,” which has entered the language and helped launch an international movement to connect children, their families and communities to nature.

Now, after four years of research, Louv defines the future of human-animal coexistence. Our Wild Calling explores the powerful and mysterious bond between humans and other animals, how it can transform our lives — and how it can save theirs. He makes the case that deepening our connection with other animals, both wild and domestic, can improve our mental, physical and spiritual lives; serve as an antidote to the growing epidemic of human loneliness; and is essential to the preservation of life on Earth.

5:30pm Reception

6pm Author Talk and Q&A

7pm Book Signing