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Attune by Living Wholly: A Transformational Weekend


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Attune by Living Wholly: A Transformational Weekend

Hills & Hamlets Bookshop is delighted to be the official bookseller for the upcoming Attune weekend in Serenbe! Details about the event, below.

Attune is a transformational weekend full of inspirational keynote speakers, movement classes, healing workshops, immersive experiences, and practical tools to support the journey of awakening. The weekend is filled with opportunities to connect, attune and get inspired by the phenomenal speakers, Nature and human connection.

November 8-11, 2019
The Inn at Serenbe

Tickets for Attune are on sale now. There is an option for all types of wellness-seekers, including single day passes, weekend passes, and all-inclusive packages that include a stay at The Inn at Serenbe. Early bird pricing is available now through March 13. 

See the full schedule, learn more, and purchase tickets here. For more information, contact Jenny Emblom Castro,, 310.795.5366.

Confirmed speakers to-date include Elizabeth Gilbert, renowned author of global phenomenon Eat, Pray, Love, Dr. Joe Dispenza, expert in supernatural neuroscience, Ayurvedic nutritionist Sahara Rose, New York Times science journalist Max Lugavere, spiritual guide and healer Shaman Durek,  Facilitator + Teacher on the topic of relationships and intimacy John Wineland, meditation and mindfulness expert Light Watkins, transformative movement teacher,Taryn Toomey, yoga and meditation mentor Caley Alyssa, mindfulness based psychotherapist Lena Franklin and many more world-renowned presenters. The event will also feature live music by soulful duo, Aykanna.